Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Produce Gender Neutral Toys

Once we have recognize this corruption of genderized children's toys, we can follow these steps for a change to make toys more gender neutral to provide better perspectives for children about gender equality.

1. To make this change we would need to acquire the understanding of many studies about children's toys, such as the sources I have mentioned, so we can figure out specifically what changes to make toys gender neutral.
  • Many of the studies I have mentioned establish that the characteristics of toys are what make them the most gender appealing to children and adults. The studies also stated how advertising toys in commercials affects children's perspectives on what toys are for which gender. Therefore many features that affect children's perspectives through these characetistics are incorporated in toys to be very influential.
2. Knowing the features and aspects that make and influence genderized toys will help us begin changing these features. I think it would benefit this change to first make the appearance of the toys more gender neutral. With more toys appearing as gender neutral children will learn to not depend on physical features to define and separate genders.
  • By the appearance of toys I mean the characteristics I have mentioned: color and toy type. Color is the biggest influential characteristic because most children are taught that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Thus many of the girl toys are pink while boy toys are blue.
  • If companies make the color of toys more gender neutral, then children will not be influenced by choosing toys based on the color "appropriate" to their gender. 
  • As for the toy types, companies can produce more toys for both genders of all types of purposees. For instance they can make more toys for boys that involve housework, glamour and girl toys involving construction, action. Or companies can simply make toys that are for both genders without any physical gender segregating characteristics. Like how Legos has superhero toys for boys and the Friends brand Legos for girls, instead Legos can repruduce all their toys gender label free.
3.  Since the toys would then appear gender neutral, companies can then advertise their products with gender neutral actions.
  • Toy commercials can feature both boys and girls playing with every type of toy. Children and adults would recognize how both genders are having fun playing with the same toy. This would influence them to purchase the toy without noticing if it is a girl or boy toy.
4. Lastly, we should begin encouraging children to play with these toys.
  •  With all of these changes made to have gender neutral toys, there would be no point if children continued to want genderized toys. We should teach children about gender equality and influence them to reflect on their learning to purchase gender neutral toys.
By acknowledging and creating toys that are gender neutral, children will begin to play with any type of toys they find entertaining. These steps are potentially more beneficial to solve the problem with genderized toys influencing stereotypical gender roles to children than simply allowing children to play with opposite gender toys. Allowing children to play with different gendered toys does help them learn that toys should not be segregated by gender and they can do and become whatever they like. However, it lacks the encouragement that gender neutral toys have. As I mentioned that many children have already learned which characteristics are for boys and girl, like genderizing colors, by neutralizing these characteristics, children would more likely be willing to play with gender neutral toys that do not portray traditional gender role concepts. Children would not mind playing with toys whose function are usually for the opposite gender if they do not display genderized colors such as the picture below.

These steps will benefit children to understand that gender should not separate individuals. We are all people and we should all have equal rights to play with whatever we like as children and as adults to get fair chance to obtain any career and opportunities.

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